Saturday, November 7, 2015

Project 3 Outline

As I begin to draft out my argument, I am considering how to best construct my argument on the Human Genetic Modification so that my listeners heed my message.  I have two options.  One: spend some time building an effective argument with clear supporting arguments and counter claims.  Two: take on the thinking of George Bernard Shaw who said, "The longer I live the more I see that I am never wrong about anything, and that all the pains I have so humbly taken to verify my notions have only wasted my time."
David Eccles. "DNA-SNP" 12/18/14 via Wikimedia.
GNU Free Documentation License.
I.                    Introduction
a.       Situation/ Kairos
                                                               i.      Explain the recent research that has led to the controversy
                                                             ii.      Highlight what people have been saying in the news
                                                            iii.      Touch on the concerns from both scientists and the general public
b.      Main Point
                                                               i.      The claims against the technology are false/ exaggerated
II.                  Body
a.       Major Supporting Arguments
                                                               i.      The test results from the research show that the technology is far from being useable
                                                             ii.      Designer babies are quite a stretch
                                                            iii.      Utopian approach: Eliminating diseases will improve human condition
                                                           iv.      Curing diseases before they even happen
                                                             v.      You can’t stop to progress of science and technology
b.      Major Criticisms
                                                               i.      Killing human embryos
                                                             ii.      Changes in the DNA may put negative effects on generations to come
                                                            iii.      “Playing God”
                                                           iv.      There are no laws to dictate where this technology progresses
c.       Rebuttals
                                                               i.      Many of my supporting arguments answers some of the criticisms
                                                             ii.      My main focus will need to be successfully placing the criticisms and arguments so that the audience sees the flaws in the supposed cons of the technology
                                                            iii.      May need to point to specific instances in the past of technology not ruining humanity
d.      Topic Sentences
                                                               i.      Genetic Modification is just like vaccination except that people fear what’s new
                                                             ii.      Genes control diseases, not IQ
                                                            iii.      Scientists agree the technology is far from being ready to use
e.      Evidence
                                                               i.      “According to the studies of scientists, genetic engineering can increase the life span between one-hundred to one-hundred fifty years.”
                                                             ii.      “This results to better and Highly-Graded products that can help humans fight their illnesses and diseases.”
                                                            iii.      “As per the disease, it may always be the result of bad genes inherited from parents.”
f.        Coggle
III.                Conclusion
a.       Future of the Debate
                                                               i.      Comforting the audience of how they can deal with the progress of this technology
                                                             ii.      Letting them know what to expect
                                                            iii.      Showing them how they can keep up with the new events


I read Carrie Belle's outline since she is doing the same controversy as me.  Her organization is
different from mine since she will have questions to cue each point.  This just shows how much more
I will have to pay attention to organization since I don't have these questions.  I also read Mathias'
outline which was very different from mine.  His organization consists of individual slides on a
PowerPoint.  My video is one long shot.  However, I could use this idea of breaking it up into
sections to make sure I am not rambling.

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