Sunday, November 15, 2015

Reflection on Project 3 Draft

With the due date for Project 3 right around the bend, it was important to receive some feedback as well as provide others with some peer review.  For this project, I critiqued Olivia Wann’s project and Hunter McAdams’ project.
Baum, Stephan.  "Symbol of Review" 04/16/2005
via Wikimedia. Creative Commons
Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

Lia Ossanna, Joy Kosik, and Gabee Mazza reviewed my short film script.  The feedback was all very helpful.  I knew my argument was lacking, but Lia was able to point me to specific things in my argument and suggest certain improvements.  It was comforting knowing the specific steps I need to take.  I was first somewhat confused by the range of scores I got, but the comments showed that there wasn’t really any discrepancy.  Gabee gave me very high scores because the aspects I succeeded in were the ones that were most important to her, while Joy gave me lower scores because the things I lack were what she valued more in a convincing argument.

My argumentation needs the most work.  I have many missed opportunities for emotional appeals that would strengthen my logical approach.  I make factual points, but fail to carry them through with the “why” behind the claim.  I plan on revising some of my argument but really focusing on how to make my points fuller. 

I am feeling really confident about the future of my paper.  I had a lot of positive feedback that encouraged me that I was headed in the right direction both from my peers and my professor.  In addition, I got some helpful critiques that have given me specific areas to target and improve over this week.  It’s exciting to know that I’ve got a good start, but it’s also exciting to see that I know I can make my argument stronger.

1 comment:

  1. 3 extra credit points applied to Blog Posts 11.11, "RRR to MRAP and CT," 9.9 through 10.7.
