Friday, September 4, 2015

Calendar Reflection

No matter how we stretch our calendars, no matter how many hours we turn back our clocks, there will still always be 24 hours in a day.  After filling out an hour-by-hour calendar for my college schedule, it is both easy to see how busy I am and also frustrating to see how many hours of which I lose track.  It’s time to do some organizing and reflecting to make sure I have a successful and memorable semester.
Tactician. "Exploding Time?" 02/15/2009 via Deviant Art.
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License

My first realization after completing my calendar was how 90% of my time to do homework is on the weekends.  In regards to my English class, this means that I will have to be extremely motivated to start on my deadlines on Sunday and complete the work on Friday nights and Saturdays.  Unfortunately, this will mean sometimes having to sacrifice social events for homework.  (What a scary concept to grasp, but true nonetheless.)

In addition, none of my classes or activities are back to back.  Consequently, I have many 1 -2 hour gaps in my schedule.  To stay on top of my work, I am going to have to be disciplined to not waste those breaks just because they are so short.  I need to work during those hours, even if it means only getting a third of one assignment completed.

By staying on top of homework throughout the week days, I won’t overload myself on the weekends.  This will keep the stress level down, helping ensure a successful semester.


Looking at others' reflections of their schedule, I was nothing but relieved that everyone else was having the same concerns but also the same hopes.  Zayla C. is considering a job, so that she can make the most of her time.  I have very similar aspirations as I want to make sure I'm doing everything I can to benefit my future but also have enough time for enjoying my college years.

I also appreciated what Lia Ossanna had to say about her thoughts on adjusting to college.  Transitioning from high school is a big change, and although I'm not totally scared of it, it's nice to know others have the same struggles.  However, we are all excited to see what this new adventure brings.

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