Monday, September 21, 2015

Paragraph Analyisis

Hisgett, Tony. "Bird  tracks" 01/07/2011
via Wikimedia. Attribution 2.0 Generic.
I was assigned the task of walking a mile, or rather, a thousand words, in the footprints of a fellow stranger.  Indeed, this stranger was the reader.  Separating myself as the writer to look at my own work from the audience’s perspective proved more challenging than I thought.  Even still, the rewards off doing this paragraph analysis were quite eye-opening.

My QRG contained strong main ideas that drove the writing all the way through.  These ideas were often explained and analyzed, yet I found holes in which I shared an idea but left it hanging there with no explanation. 

My paper contains effective transitions that help the reader move from idea to idea, opinion to opinion.  The transitions let the paper flow from section to section, but also allow the paragraphs stand on their own.  The sections lack however in their topic sentences.  While the section title addresses a question, the topic does not always follow through with the answer to this questions, leaving the reader confused on the direction of the section.

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