Friday, September 4, 2015

My Controversy

Korte, Brandi. "American Flag" 09/11/2012 via Flickr.
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic
The American flag can be considered symbol for many things: freedom, pride for the country, equality.  However, not everybody sees the flag in a positive light.  One of the major controversies buzzing in 2015 is the extent to which the first amendment protects someone’s right to voice their opinion, and more specifically, the manner in which they do it.

This article from Inside Higher Ed (May 4, 2015) by Jake New describes how the Voldosta State University in Georgia has experienced a number of protests involving the desecrating of the American flag as well as response protests to these actions.  As some at the university believe that the flag represents “white supremacy,” they have taken it into their hands to walk on the flag and protest for its removal for the school. 

Many others on the campus, including those of the military, are infuriated and are speaking out against these protesters, even though they are protected to do so under the first amendment.  The university’s president William McKinney is forced to take a compromised stance as he must respect both those who hold high feelings for the flag as well as those who wish to desecrate it. 

Whatever you believe the American flag stands for, it without a doubt connects the country’s past to its present.  In a time when America is changing faster than it ever has in its structure, ideals, and beliefs, the flag captures everything America used to be and all that it will be.  As someone who is invested in making the world a better place, I like to think the American flag stands for a better future.

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