Monday, September 21, 2015

Reflection on Project 1 Draft

I quite agree with Franklin P. Jones who once said, “Honest criticism is hard to take, particularly from a relative, a friend, an acquaintance, or a stranger.”  No matter who it is, having someone mark up your masterpiece with a red pen is no fun.  Fortunately in these situations, one also gets to be the one holding the red pen to someone else’s masterpiece.  During the process of creating our QRGs, I had the opportunity to peer edit Carrie Belle Kent’s piece on the TMT telescope debate as well as Michaela Webb’s piece on the Oak Flat controversy, while another student got to evaluate mine.  After reading the comments and taking a second look at my own work, I recognized some key areas for improvement.
McPhee, Nic. "Editing a Paper" 01/26/2008
via Flickr. Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic 

My classmates and my teacher will be reading my QRG.  However, my audience expands past this group to the general public.  More than just the people interested in human genetics, the aim of my QRG is to inform the general population of an important technological advance and the benefits and consequences that may come with it. 

Anyone reading the QRG is expecting to be told why this matter applies to them.  Although my writing has highlights of this expectation, it is not a main concern throughout my entire paper.  This is definitely an area for improvement, as pointed out by my peer-editor.

As my controversy deals with technological advances of scientists, one of my major roles is to provide clarity and explanation of the science involved without overwhelming the reader.  My writing covers this aspect thoroughly without insulting the reader, as well as includes links for further clarification if the reader wishes to know more.

Most people with a knowledge of genetic engineering will presumably already know about the debate at hand.  Therefore, my audience is mainly the common man and using simple language will suit them best.  In addition, the QRG should invite them to the conversation, not scare them away with the possible dangers of the new technology.  Encouraging my readers to take part in the debate as well as come to their own conclusions will greatly strengthening my paper.


This genre of writing demands to be easily read with subsections that are easy to locate and allow the reader to skip around.  This is achieved through white space and organized formatting, something that my paper greatly lacks.  In order for my text to be more reader friendly, I need to focus on making it look less like an essay an more like a brochure for Disneyland.

The content of my writing covers the major aspects of a well written QRG, such as the event and background, the controversy, an analysis of the debate, etc.  However, my paper only touches the surface of some of these topics and adding more explanation will really help the audience make the connections they need to make to understand the controversy.

Overall, my QRG takes into consideration the important conventions of a QRG as well as how to properly include quotes and examples.  The writing covers the essentials of a QRG but contains room for more in-depth conversation.  My voice provides a personal connection with the audience that helps convey the importance of the controversy in the life of the general population.

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