Saturday, September 12, 2015

Cluster of My Controversy

Ramdlon, Fathromi. "Idea" 01/20/2015 via
Pixabay. Public Domain Dedication License.
"Writing is easy.  All you do is stare at a blank sheet of paper until drops of blood form on  your forehead" (Gene Fowler).  Truthfully, we've all been there.  Getting those first words of a writing are anything but easy.  However, if we can get those tangled webs of thoughts in our brains to a tangled web of thoughts on a piece of paper, now we have a starting point.

On the controversy of modifying embryos and the dangers of CRISPR-CAS9, I created a mind map broken up by the major groups involved in the debate along with their thoughts and ideals.  It's not perfect, but it's a starting point.

Created via


The mind maps and clusters of my classmates had different concepts that each played a role in the future writing process.  All of the prewriting was clear and easy to read.  However, Jon Wirtzfeld's cluster gave short phrases and words that would help spur ideas in his writing process as well as give an order of what he wanted to talk about.  On the other hand, Carrie Belle Kent's mind map had two distinct parts of her map (for and against) which would help her compare and contrast the two groups.  Even still, my map gives more complete thoughts and phrases that will help me put sentences and paragraphs together when I'm writing.  By viewing other's prewriting process, it gives me more ideas on how I can make better use of my planning stage.

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