Saturday, October 3, 2015

Analyzing My Text's Cultural Setting

Climate change is a global issue, yet some areas are experiencing the causes and effects on a closer level.  In addition, the issue is rapidly changing as scientists are uncovering new information about the causes, effects, and solutions of the climate change.  In writing Why Climate Change Won’t Work, Anders Levermann was greatly influenced by the cultural context of the time.

Skippan. "Aircraft contrails" 12/12/2008
via Wikimedia. Public Domain License.
Scientists have been in a mad rush to solve this climate crisis. One of these scientists is Paul Crutzen who won the Nobel Peace Prize for presenting the idea of shooting aerosol particles into the air that would reflect more of the sunlight back into the earth’s atmosphere.  The article by Anders Levermann is written in response to the great praise that this solution has been getting from other scientists and politicians.

Paul Crutzen’s solution is one example how many believe that the problem of climate of change can be fixed through climate engineering, a man-made solution.  Levermann directly addresses this cultural belief and criticizes Crutzen’s idea throughout the article while attempting to point out of its flaws.  This is further shown when his proposed solution is to decrease our use of fossil-fuels, an idea that tries to take humans out of climate interference.

Levermann wrote his article from Berlin, Germany in April of 2015.  This was about seven years after Crutzen proposed his idea to the community, giving scientists ample time to test and evaluate this solution and its effectiveness.  Given that Berlin is a highly populated city, Levermann has probably seen firsthand the causes of the climate change.

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