Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Practicing Summary and Parphrase

Sometimes helping the reader understand a large concept in a few words is important, and sometimes capturing all the little nuances of an idea are just as important.  Using a quote from Why Climate Engineering Won't Work, I practice both. 

My Quote from the Original Source

“If we don't want to screw up our climate, it is time to put the fruitless debates on climate-engineering techniques to rest, and focus on the only real solution, which is a tremendous challenge requiring all our intellectual resources: The mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions.”  (Original Source)
Vectors. "Fountain Pen" via Pixabay. Public Domain Dedication.

My Paraphrase of the Original Source

Levermann believes that the solution proposed by Crutzen does not even deserve to be considered as a viable option for reversing global warming.  He argues that if society would like to avoid damaging the earth, the only fix is to remove the poisonous gases from the air, a difficult task that calls for total collaboration (Levermann).

My Summary of the Original Source

Levermann believes that, unlike trying to engineer the weather, the only fix to global warming is eliminating the sources of poisonous gases in the atmosphere.

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