Sunday, October 25, 2015

Audience and Genre

Unfortunately, I am not writing to lesbian vegan urbanites between the ages of 35 and 40.  Even still, it is critical for me to pinpoint my audience and more importantly figure out how I will reach this specific group.  Here are some of my ideas...
Hunt, Tara. "Audience" 09/09/2013 via Flickr. Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic License.
Professors/ Researchers at Universities across America

Many professors at universities may have already been doing research with CRISPR Cas9 on animals.  Now that the door has opened for testing on human embryos, they scientists are either interested in how this will affect the future of their research or how they can make sure real change comes about.

An article in a scientific magazine would be an ideal way of spreading this information to this group of people.  This would take the form of a scholarly article in a magazine such as Nature.  It might look like this or this.

A speech at a scientific convention would also be an effective way of conveying this information to this group.  This speech might take place at the Improving Biomedical Research 2015: Challenges and Solutions conference.  It might look like this or this

Young Couples and New Parents (Ages 20-30)

The controversy of genetically modifying human embryos concerns this group for many reasons.  They may be infuriated with the testings as they have a very deep connection to babies and what child birth means.  Others may be concerned over what the future of child birth will look like with the possibilities of designer babies.  Others may even being considering this new technology for their own baby.

A video that goes viral on Facebook would have a great potential for reaching this generation of people.  A social media video may look like this or this.

Another effective way to reach this group would be a news article.  Many articles on the Washington Post or CNN websites have easy access on iPhones.  These news articles would look something like this or this.

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