Thursday, October 22, 2015

Paragraph Analysis 2

CJ. "The Thinker close" 02/04/2007
via Wikimedia.  Creative Commons
Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Uported License.
If the old saying “You are your harshest critic” is true, this exercise will prove to be very beneficial for my rhetorical analysis.  Looking at my paper in terms of its individual paragraphs allowed me to see which paragraphs were lacking in comparison to the other ones.  To see my process, click here.

After completing this process, I realized how much I assume my reader knows as much as I do.  I am the expert in the author’s rhetorical strategies since I’ve read the article numerous times.  In addition, the prompt requires that I am an expert in analyzing rhetoric, and I need to clearly show how to do this in my paper.  I cannot leave any point or illustration hanging without a full explanation.  For me, this includes making sure all my points have specific examples and the transitions of my paper let the reader know exactly where I am going next.

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