Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Draft of Rhetorical Analysis

Here is the link to my rhetorical analysis.  I think I need to establish more about the context of the article early in my paper.  So that you are clear when you read my analysis, Crutzen is a scientist who proposed a solution to climate change using climate engineering.  The article I analyzed focuses on disproving this solution to climate change.
Lloyd. "Homework" 10/22/2011 via Flickr. Attribution 2.0 Generic.

As you read through please consider the following:

  • Is the intro effective?  Do I assume the reader already knows a lot about the climate change debate?
  • Is the metaphor in the intro effective?  Should it be referenced in the body of the paper?
  • Is it okay that I never address my audience of students specifically?
  • Is my analysis too broad?  Do I need to have less breadth and more depth?

1 comment:

  1. Great job Chad! I loved the entirety of the intro. I didn't address my student readers directly either. I do think that you could have gone a bit more in depth in your analysis, but I think overall that this is a great start.
