Sunday, October 25, 2015

Questions About Controversy

There is a Gaelic proverb that says "If you want an audience, start a fight."  That is exactly what I intend to do as I construct my public argument concerning the genetic testing of human embryos.  This is the controversy I researched in Project 1, but I have more questions I need answered...
Bottin, Gianpaolo. "Alpine Ibex Fighting"
via Close View of Nature. Creative Commons License.

  • Who has control of whether or not testing on embryos will continue?
  • Who will immediately affected if the testing continues?
  • Who else is testing embryos or using CRISPR other the scientists at Sun Yatsen?
  • What are the Chinese researchers doing now that their research is under controversy?
  • What will happen if someone declares the research as unethical?
  • What are the risks of this technology spreading?
  • How long was it after CRISPR was developed that the Chinese researchers tested human embryos?
  • How long did Science refuse to publish the findings?
  • What kind of precautions/ terms did the researchers have to follow (if any at all)?
  • Who know about the research before the test results came out?
  • Are those of the Sun Yatsen University as appalled as those in America?
  • Were there protests in China or at the university?
  • Who was the first person/ group that got hold of the research?
  • Who was the first person to really speak out against the controversy in the public?
  • Have any large movements started online or in social media about the controversy (hashtags)?

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